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Let's Get F'd Up Ring Toss Game


Let's Get Fucked Up is the customizable drinking ring toss game where the possibilities are endless and the gameplay is easy. Decide at the beginning how many rounds you will play. Each round every player tosses their ring, trying to get it on the FU finger in the center. If you miss the board, drink. If you land on the board but miss the finger, do the action you landed on or take a drink. If you get it on the finger, everyone else has to drink. At the end of all of the rounds, the player with the most ringers is the winner! Use the included white board marker to customize the actions on the gameboard (the rules have some suggestions, or you can make up your own challenges as a group). Great to play at parties, for pre-gaming, or as an icebreaker.

For 2 or more players. Includes game board, dry erase marker, FU Finger statue, 4 rings, rules (with 25 dare suggestions).

Let's Get F'd Up Ring Toss Game

Let's Get Fucked Up is the customizable drinking ring toss game where the possibilities are endless and the gameplay is easy. Decide at the beginning how many rounds you will play. Each round every player tosses their ring, trying to get it on the FU finger in the center. If you miss the board, drink. If you land on the board but miss the finger, do the action you landed on or take a drink. If you get it on the finger, everyone else has to drink. At the end of all of the rounds, the player with the most ringers is the winner! Use the included white board marker to customize the actions on the gameboard (the rules have some suggestions, or you can make up your own challenges as a group). Great to play at parties, for pre-gaming, or as an icebreaker.

For 2 or more players. Includes game board, dry erase marker, FU Finger statue, 4 rings, rules (with 25 dare suggestions).